AA Classic

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Everything you need to know about AA Classic

  1. Project Information
  2. Server Rates
  3. Changes from the Base Game
  4. Media

Project information



Server rates

ArcheAge Classic will be using the following rates:
  • Experience: x2

  • Labor: x4 (40 labor per 5 minutes)

  • Labor cap: 10000 (might be increased before release!)

  • PvP Honor: x4

  • PVE/Quest Honor: x2

  • Loot Drop Rate: x1.2

  • First Lunagem Sockets are 100% Socket Rate
  • First 3 Inventory/Warehouse Expansions are Free

Changes From the Base Game

  • Your favorite custom add-ons have been enabled innately (KR Font Mod and the FOV MOD) We will also have more to come in the future!
  • All Races Quests lines have been balanced to level at the same speed. You can now just do your Green (Main Story Questline) for each race to propel yoursel to Halcyona, from there - continue your adventure as you wish!
  • Everyone's favorite old sports fishing is enabled (Marlin ponds anyone?)
  • Items traditionally gatekept/supporting p2w (Regarde Charms, Vehicle upgrades etc) Have been REMOVED from the marketplace and can now be acquired via methods in game! You will only find cosmetic and other QOL items there now instead!
  • PvP is enabled in all housing zone (per that regions faction rules of course)
  • Golden Ruins and Diamond Shores share Conflict timers now and all Auroria zones will now award honor for PvP kills
  • Content timers have been adjusted to support prime time zones for both NA and EU players

There's several other small tidbits and quality of life changes made as well - feel free to look over all our previous Updates/Patch Notes or just log in and experience them for yourself!


Several of our users are just as passionate about ArcheAge and its golden era as we are! Take a look at the following video guides by our Content Creators for quick and easily accessible run downs of our server. (Also don't forget to support their other content as well!)

Getting Stared Video Guides -

These and a plethora of other information for new players (or players looking to refamiliarize themselves even) can also be found in our Blue Salt Brotherhood section on discord or the Darupedia on the Forums!