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Approved QOL based subscription for making $$$


Arcane member
Either with Gilda or via Loyalty Coins.
Gilda would be great, don't like the idea of using Loyalty Coins, it would effectively penalize people for doing looting focused gameplay by removing their ability to use Loyalty Coins like others, depends on what would be in Loyalty store ofc., but I'd rather if it was unlocked resource rather then limited one that you have to budget.


Grand member
Gilda would be great, don't like the idea of using Loyalty Coins, it would effectively penalize people for doing looting focused gameplay by removing their ability to use Loyalty Coins like others, depends on what would be in Loyalty store ofc., but I'd rather if it was unlocked resource rather then limited one that you have to budget.
At this point, the autoloot stuff needs to have its own forum post.


Basic member
Small discounts to Cash Shop items (5-10% off costumes, etc)

It's a hard one to pin down as I think it should be similar to AA launch. XP gains, labour, etc. Hard to keep the server up and running if you only have f2p players running around.


Basic member
Adding onto my last post after farming in Aurora for hours, why not an increased drop rate % chance to Sub?


Rare member
Adding onto my last post after farming in Aurora for hours, why not an increased drop rate % chance to Sub?
that is pay to win. anything that has a real impact on your ability to make money or get valuable items faster and easier than others should not be in this thread


Unique member
This suggestion is accepted partially as part of our monetization strategy. I will mark it as approved regarding these points:

30 day recurring Anywhere Owl
30 day recurring Anywhere Warehouse

30 day language book ???
Double/triple labour cap (not regen just give more time away from the game without waste)
Monthly random or dev chosen costume -> MAYBE
Custom title or something to show you're not poor in game -> MAYBE
Anywhere AH/Repair buttons
30 day language book ???

I do get what people want is freedom to speech to anyone at any given time but that kind of breaks the immersion of the game having different factions and races. Not only that but also heavily diminishes the purpose and development of Printing profession since Language books were a big part of it.

Anywhere AH/Repair buttons ???

By the way wasn't that suppose to be available for everyone?

I do understand the game needs cash influx to sustain it's existence, but these so called "pay to convenience" aren't very minor to begin with. Owl and Warehouse are fine but Anywhere repair and AH access is a bit too much.
Anywhere AH/repair should be available to all players by default.

Double/triple labour cap (not regen just give more time away from the game without waste)

Honestly I do think this would be a great feature because first it does not provide you any advantages. It basically allows people to get offline for 2 days and not fall behind. I think a subscriber should be able to get these extensions which are naturally healthy for the Server population.
Everything that forced ALL players to LOGIN every 24 hours without exception in order TO NOT LOSE LABOR is a cheap trick to promote Online activity. Meanwhile in the long term that makes players go away since it's too punishing to miss out a day or two. Once you miss 20 days worth of labor you are now Forever behind and that's a serious reason to stop playing for good.

I think It would be reasonable to give Subbed users the perk of being able to be Offline for ( work, school etc. ) for longer period since they pour $$$ into the sustainability of the server. Look at it that way - It's like Youtube Subscribers not getting ADs every 2 minutes while watching a video... they just paid in advance for all the ADs and they get benefit of not getting interrupted every 2mins while watching.
Simply put it's more likely to get $$$ from people who are generally busy people. So that means give them perks who are focused to ease them out on online activity demand. At least for a period of 48 hours. Since current labor regen caps your labor bar in 20.9 hours. I would say Double the labor cap for Subbed users for at least 2 or 2.5 times to make it so they have 40 hours before labor caps.
Forced daily online activity as worse as heavy P2W. People who has time to play every day and login once every 10 hours will still be playing the game, people who enjoy playing all the time or every day would still do that... The only thing that this could do is to Allow busy people to still be relevant and play the game alongside others. Which is a bonus overall for healthy population.
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Rare member
I would argue for a set amount of gems each month. For example if its 5$ a month for patron, give 2.50$ in gems in addition to the other soft benefits.


Unique member
Small discounts to Cash Shop items (5-10% off costumes, etc)

It's a hard one to pin down as I think it should be similar to AA launch. XP gains, labour, etc. Hard to keep the server up and running if you only have f2p players running around.
It's actually easy to keep the servers up even without P2W.
ArcheRage had massive p2w not to sustain servers, it was to make millions.

All you need is QoL subscription out of few hundred people per month to fully sustain 1 server.
ArcheRage's greed is just as big as Koreans and Trion. Wouldn't even be surprised there to be some unofficial agreement between ArcheRage team and XL games.


Grand member
What about making this crafteable labor pots only avaliable for subscribers or crafteable Without penalty, also some mounts for 30 days or esch week


Grand member
buddy that is literally P2W type stuff right there
I mean moving ur labor pool into crafteable pots with some penalty 1200 labor to 1000, and for subscribers 1000 yo 1000 or something like dat so they can save labor to use when they are free Without rush every day


Unique member
I mean moving ur labor pool into crafteable pots with some penalty 1200 labor to 1000, and for subscribers 1000 yo 1000 or something like dat so they can save labor to use when they are free Without rush every day
I mean it's literally p2w. Not big deal but still you get 1:1 ratio paying and what lose 20% as non-sub???
It would be way better and non-p2w if they just disable labor stocking for rainy days for everyone except subs at 1050 for 1000.
In any case labor shouldn't be able to be stored 1000:1000 without any loses. Even if you pay there still need to be some price for Storing it for later days. At least 50 labor should be accounted as tax for crafting the potion and Sub to just give you the option to have this available to you as a perk. Potions of course abs non-tradeable.


New member
30 day language book ???

I do get what people want is freedom to speech to anyone at any given time but that kind of breaks the immersion of the game having different factions and races. Not only that but also heavily diminishes the purpose and development of Printing profession since Language books were a big part of it.

Anywhere AH/Repair buttons ???

By the way wasn't that suppose to be available for everyone?

I do understand the game needs cash influx to sustain it's existence, but these so called "pay to convenience" aren't very minor to begin with. Owl and Warehouse are fine but Anywhere repair and AH access is a bit too much.
Anywhere AH/repair should be available to all players by default.

Double/triple labour cap (not regen just give more time away from the game without waste)

Honestly I do think this would be a great feature because first it does not provide you any advantages. It basically allows people to get offline for 2 days and not fall behind. I think a subscriber should be able to get these extensions which are naturally healthy for the Server population.
Everything that forced ALL players to LOGIN every 24 hours without exception in order TO NOT LOSE LABOR is a cheap trick to promote Online activity. Meanwhile in the long term that makes players go away since it's too punishing to miss out a day or two. Once you miss 20 days worth of labor you are now Forever behind and that's a serious reason to stop playing for good.

I think It would be reasonable to give Subbed users the perk of being able to be Offline for ( work, school etc. ) for longer period since they pour $$$ into the sustainability of the server. Look at it that way - It's like Youtube Subscribers not getting ADs every 2 minutes while watching a video... they just paid in advance for all the ADs and they get benefit of not getting interrupted every 2mins while watching.
Simply put it's more likely to get $$$ from people who are generally busy people. So that means give them perks who are focused to ease them out on online activity demand. At least for a period of 48 hours. Since current labor regen caps your labor bar in 20.9 hours. I would say Double the labor cap for Subbed users for at least 2 or 2.5 times to make it so they have 40 hours before labor caps.
Forced daily online activity as worse as heavy P2W. People who has time to play every day and login once every 10 hours will still be playing the game, people who enjoy playing all the time or every day would still do that... The only thing that this could do is to Allow busy people to still be relevant and play the game alongside others. Which is a bonus overall for healthy population.
This whole post makes a lot of sense, especially increasing the labor cap for subbing. It’s not p2w by getting a larger labor cap. By paying you’re not getting ahead, just helping you stay level with the no lifers. People with less time fall behind and eventually quit. Subbing would just cater to people with less time but not put you ahead.


New member
30 day language book ???

I do get what people want is freedom to speech to anyone at any given time but that kind of breaks the immersion of the game having different factions and races. Not only that but also heavily diminishes the purpose and development of Printing profession since Language books were a big part of it.

Anywhere AH/Repair buttons ???

By the way wasn't that suppose to be available for everyone?

I do understand the game needs cash influx to sustain it's existence, but these so called "pay to convenience" aren't very minor to begin with. Owl and Warehouse are fine but Anywhere repair and AH access is a bit too much.
Anywhere AH/repair should be available to all players by default.

Double/triple labour cap (not regen just give more time away from the game without waste)

Honestly I do think this would be a great feature because first it does not provide you any advantages. It basically allows people to get offline for 2 days and not fall behind. I think a subscriber should be able to get these extensions which are naturally healthy for the Server population.
Everything that forced ALL players to LOGIN every 24 hours without exception in order TO NOT LOSE LABOR is a cheap trick to promote Online activity. Meanwhile in the long term that makes players go away since it's too punishing to miss out a day or two. Once you miss 20 days worth of labor you are now Forever behind and that's a serious reason to stop playing for good.

I think It would be reasonable to give Subbed users the perk of being able to be Offline for ( work, school etc. ) for longer period since they pour $$$ into the sustainability of the server. Look at it that way - It's like Youtube Subscribers not getting ADs every 2 minutes while watching a video... they just paid in advance for all the ADs and they get benefit of not getting interrupted every 2mins while watching.
Simply put it's more likely to get $$$ from people who are generally busy people. So that means give them perks who are focused to ease them out on online activity demand. At least for a period of 48 hours. Since current labor regen caps your labor bar in 20.9 hours. I would say Double the labor cap for Subbed users for at least 2 or 2.5 times to make it so they have 40 hours before labor caps.
Forced daily online activity as worse as heavy P2W. People who has time to play every day and login once every 10 hours will still be playing the game, people who enjoy playing all the time or every day would still do that... The only thing that this could do is to Allow busy people to still be relevant and play the game alongside others. Which is a bonus overall for healthy population.
This whole post makes a lot of sense, especially increasing the labor cap for subbing. It’s not p2w by getting a larger labor cap. By paying you’re not getting ahead, just helping you stay level with the no lifers. People with less time fall behind and eventually quit. Subbing would just cater to people with less time but not put you ahead. So yes it’s helping a certain demographic but not at the expense of another.


Rare member
This whole post makes a lot of sense, especially increasing the labor cap for subbing. It’s not p2w by getting a larger labor cap. By paying you’re not getting ahead, just helping you stay level with the no lifers. People with less time fall behind and eventually quit. Subbing would just cater to people with less time but not put you ahead. So yes it’s helping a certain demographic but not at the expense of another.
I agree.. larger labor cap is a QoL thing and doesn't give you and advantage. How great would it be to be able to go on a vacation and not fall behind....I would think making non-sub labor cap something like 30k and sub labor cap 50k or something. Not opposed to increasing both sides like a 50k and 100k.