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[Announcement] AAC Launch Recap

Greetings everyone!
After what has been an ... emotional weekend, I'm here to deliver a small recap of how the launch went, and how things are going to go now. Here goes...

Launch Weekend Recap
So for those of you who were here on Friday for the "initial" launch you'll notice it has been.... terrible. We'll admit it, it was really NOT looking good. Queue was bugged, server was crashing... really, not the sort of thing we want on our server. We even wiped the database due to some heavy hitting exploits that allowed these crashes to happen.
From all the information available to us, the server was being voluntarily crashed by a third party exploiting a vulnerability we had not seen during the different betas we ran. We were, however, able to fix said vulnerabilities.

So on to the "real" launch the next day...
Once Saturday came, we launched again, off a clean slate. Except.... Everything was lagging! It turns out the Inventory module was responsible for it (and coincidentally, this affected Quests very much given their huge dependency on the Inventory module). Oh no! We're doomed!!! Well ... we were a bit scared at first.
After the lag was noticed, people were a bit gloomy, we were getting clown reacted at every turn.. awesome! But after a few sleepless nights (and enough cans of Monster Energy to fuel an entire college dorm for a month..) we found the cause. To better handle the huge player load that was happening, we also wanted to upgrade hardware, which meant waiting on our server host until Monday for them to wake up and hit the "deliver" button. On to monday...

Early on Monday, we received the server hardware. Being the sneaky Darus that we are, we decided to not tell the community that a maintenance that would solve the issue was happening. We wanted to let everyone experience it firsthand and THEN do a grand reveal. As it turned out this was a MASSIVE success. Players first reported absolutely no lag, which we pretended was due to a lower player count as we are slowly letting people in.. ha, jokes on them, at that point we already had 2x the conccurent player count from before. No lag, double the players. FEELS GOOD MAN. So we kept letting players in, getting about 3x the concurrent user count we had before, without a DROP of lag. Players obviously went "okay no way guys they must have upgraded the servers right??" and yes we did. But I think people took the surprise well.

Now, everything runs super smooth. I've seen some of the biggest Golden Plains Battle this game has probably ever seen, with up to 600 players taking part in the fight (that's 12 raids in a single zone). Some increased latency was to be expected, but it was till more than manageable. At that point the game client itself was the issue, because it was having trouble keeping up!

We are very excited (to play arche age) to deliver this experience to all of you guys and we hope we'll keep matching your expectations!

Land Rush update

Because of the server delay that happened, we could not in good conscience give you guys a landrush on Sunday as initially planned. We have thus decided to move the land rush to Saturday, the 12th of August at 4 PM EST.

Dungeon Availability issues
Due to the aforementioned server issues, we had lowered the maximum number of open dungeon instances at the same time. This is now causing some players to have to wait to enter dungeons. We will be increase the number of dungeon instances available in the next maintenance! It should help alleviate this problem. It might not fully because there is a LOT OF PLAYERS.

Marketplace changes

Tomorrow (Wednesday) the marketplace will be welcoming its own set of changes, as we add some more cosmetics!
Things to expect:
  • Two Yata costumes
  • Two undisclosed costumes (see for yourself soon!)
  • A summer themed marketplace release, alongside costumes and more!
  • The Daru Subscription Box will be available for purchase, limited to one per account. This limit will refresh every month!

The Daru Trinket shop will be delayed by a few days and open around the weekend. With all those server issues, we've had to reprioritize.

Other issues
Name changes/reservations
We are now issuing renames for those who had reserved a name but could not get it. Submit a ticket on Discord to ask for it!

Racial skills for some races
Some racial skills are simply not working. This is known and will be addressed in an upcoming patch.

New list of known issues
There is a new forum category you can explore to find answers to common issues. PLEASE CHECK IT OUT BEFORE SUBMITTING SUPPORT TICKETS.
>> HERE <<
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New member
too long didn't read but nice job doing a better server launch than anything trino or ka cow has ever done


Grand member
I hope you can make it out of work early :(
Why do the land rush on Friday and not Saturday? I am one of those people that won't be able to get out of work early on the west coast, so I'll be pretty screwed by this timing. Seems like a better option to have it on a weekend than a weekday so people don't get screwed by their work hours.


New member
Thx u for the amazing server aguru and crew i know u guys have been getting alot of hate but im Really enjoying my time here thx u hope to a long lasting time


New member
In the vast, tumultuous landscape of online gaming, where heroes and legends are born every fleeting moment, few names will etch themselves into the annals of history with the same profound impact as Aguru. In a world that often settles for mediocrity, Aguru’s dedication to excellence has not only raised the bar but has also redefined the very essence of what it means to relive the golden era of ArcheAge. To say Aguru simply ‘created’ an ArcheAge Classic server would be a grievous understatement. It would be akin to saying Leonardo da Vinci 'doodled' the Mona Lisa. No, what Aguru did was not just creation, but pure, unadulterated resurrection. He breathed life into pixels, emotions into codes, and nostalgia into every rendered frame. It was not merely a server; it was a time capsule, an homage to the glorious days when ArcheAge was but a fledgling, bursting with potential and wonder. But Aguru's genius doesn’t stop at impeccable coding or a flawless server infrastructure. It's the subtleties, the nuances, the minor details that many might overlook, which stand testament to his masterful touch. The wind rustling through the trees of Gweonid, the echoes of yesteryears’ battles in Hasla, the soft lapping of waves against Sanddeep's shores - all meticulously replicated to deliver an experience that was pure, unfiltered, and breathtakingly nostalgic. One cannot help but marvel at the sheer passion and dedication that must have driven this Herculean endeavor. In an era where gaming servers are often treated as mere commodities, Aguru treated his creation as a canvas. And upon this canvas, he painted not with colors or brushes, but with memories, laughter, tears, and countless adventures. This isn't merely about reminiscing the old days of ArcheAge. It's about honoring them. And in this grand mission, Aguru was not just successful; he was transcendent. To many, this server became a home, a sanctuary, a realm where the heart found solace in the familiar hum of quests and the camaraderie of fellow adventurers. For all these reasons and countless more, Aguru is not just a name; he's a beacon, a symbol of undying passion and commitment. In my heart, and the hearts of many who have had the privilege to step into his masterpiece, he stands tall, not just as a brilliant server architect but as a hero. So, here's to Aguru, the unsung maestro of the ArcheAge realm. In your dedication, we found joy. In your creation, we found home. And in your legacy, we shall forever find the true essence of ArcheAge Classic.
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New member
Question, for those of us that are timed out in chat for the next 5 days or so what can we do about renames? Since we can’t submit a request in discord do we just wait it out or is there another option, either way I’m fine as long as I get the name I reserved and locked, just curious.
Greetings everyone!
After what has been an ... emotional weekend, I'm here to deliver a small recap of how the launch went, and how things are going to go now. Here goes...

Launch Weekend Recap
So for those of you who were here on Friday for the "initial" launch you'll notice it has been.... terrible. We'll admit it, it was really NOT looking good. Queue was bugged, server was crashing... really, not the sort of thing we want on our server. We even wiped the database due to some heavy hitting exploits that allowed these crashes to happen.
From all the information available to us, the server was being voluntarily crashed by a third party exploiting a vulnerability we had not seen during the different betas we ran. We were, however, able to fix said vulnerabilities.

So on to the "real" launch the next day...
Once Saturday came, we launched again, off a clean slate. Except.... Everything was lagging! It turns out the Inventory module was responsible for it (and coincidentally, this affected Quests very much given their huge dependency on the Inventory module). Oh no! We're doomed!!! Well ... we were a bit scared at first.
After the lag was noticed, people were a bit gloomy, we were getting clown reacted at every turn.. awesome! But after a few sleepless nights (and enough cans of Monster Energy to fuel an entire college dorm for a month..) we found the cause. To better handle the huge player load that was happening, we also wanted to upgrade hardware, which meant waiting on our server host until Monday for them to wake up and hit the "deliver" button. On to monday...

Early on Monday, we received the server hardware. Being the sneaky Darus that we are, we decided to not tell the community that a maintenance that would solve the issue was happening. We wanted to let everyone experience it firsthand and THEN do a grand reveal. As it turned out this was a MASSIVE success. Players first reported absolutely no lag, which we pretended was due to a lower player count as we are slowly letting people in.. ha, jokes on them, at that point we already had 2x the conccurent player count from before. No lag, double the players. FEELS GOOD MAN. So we kept letting players in, getting about 3x the concurrent user count we had before, without a DROP of lag. Players obviously went "okay no way guys they must have upgraded the servers right??" and yes we did. But I think people took the surprise well.

Now, everything runs super smooth. I've seen some of the biggest Golden Plains Battle this game has probably ever seen, with up to 600 players taking part in the fight (that's 12 raids in a single zone). Some increased latency was to be expected, but it was till more than manageable. At that point the game client itself was the issue, because it was having trouble keeping up!

We are very excited (to play arche age) to deliver this experience to all of you guys and we hope we'll keep matching your expectations!

Land Rush update

Because of the server delay that happened, we could not in good conscience give you guys a landrush on Sunday as initially planned. We have thus decided to move the land rush to Friday, the 11th of August at 6 PM EST. This should be fairly reasonable for EU (it's only midnight on a Friday, okay ?!) and for NA West coast... I hope you can make it out of work early :(

Dungeon Availability issues
Due to the aforementioned server issues, we had lowered the maximum number of open dungeon instances at the same time. This is now causing some players to have to wait to enter dungeons. We will be increase the number of dungeon instances available in the next maintenance! It should help alleviate this problem. It might not fully because there is a LOT OF PLAYERS.

Marketplace changes

Tomorrow (Wednesday) the marketplace will be welcoming its own set of changes, as we add some more cosmetics!
Things to expect:
  • Two Yata costumes
  • Two undisclosed costumes (see for yourself soon!)
  • A summer themed marketplace release, alongside costumes and more!
  • The Daru Subscription Box will be available for purchase, limited to one per account. This limit will refresh every month!

The Daru Trinket shop will be delayed by a few days and open around the weekend. With all those server issues, we've had to reprioritize.

Other issues
Name changes/reservations
We are now issuing renames for those who had reserved a name but could not get it. Submit a ticket on Discord to ask for it!

Racial skills for some races
Some racial skills are simply not working. This is known and will be addressed in an upcoming patch.

New list of known issues
There is a new forum category you can explore to find answers to common issues. PLEASE CHECK IT OUT BEFORE SUBMITTING SUPPORT TICKETS.
>> HERE <<


Administrator & Daru enjoyer
Staff member

Land Rush will be on the 12th of August at 4 PM EST​



New member
Yall have done a nice job. Question about land rush. Will the server go down before 4pm to kick everyone, if so what time will the server go down, or will the land just unlock at 4pm for everyone.