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Need another server


Basic member
Theres not much point playing when every last little scrap of land is taken.

And easliy held property via no subscription and super easy tax crafting. A person could craft taxes for 5 large properties easily.
Aguru claims he's for the people but in reality he's just happy he has a cute fish tank. The fact that he somewhat enjoys the many young toxic people on his discord tells you everything and you really shouldn't commit if you have any sense, this server won't even get significant skill or balance updates, just the horrible standard meta that AA is questionable for.


Grand member
a bajillion 16 scarecrows with nothing growing on any of them. all each of those says to me is another player leaving because theres no land.


Grand member
A server with available land is a dead server. You can very easily make 150g+ in an hour killing mobs in lvl 40 gear. A 16x16 in a warzone is 200g and in peace is 350-500g. It's designed to be that way. If you want to play on a dead server go play retail.


Grand member
A server with available land is a dead server. You can very easily make 150g+ in an hour killing mobs in lvl 40 gear. A 16x16 in a warzone is 200g and in peace is 350-500g. It's designed to be that way. If you want to play on a dead server go play retail.
grinding mobs now and the cheapest i have seen for sale is 2k in a war zone just saying. ill be grinding for a week or two. but your right it is what it is.


Grand member
grinding mobs now and the cheapest i have seen for sale is 2k in a war zone just saying. ill be grinding for a week or two. but your right it is what it is.
sounds like you saw a property certed for 2k. Thats extremely high if its not a built thatched or better. You can buy a demo meaning you place your own farm for quite a bit less. Just make sure you only farm zones that are in war or its a waste of time.


Grand member
sounds like you saw a property certed for 2k. Thats extremely high if its not a built thatched or better. You can buy a demo meaning you place your own farm for quite a bit less. Just make sure you only farm zones that are in war or its a waste of time.
like i trust anybody in this game


Rare member
This is so dumb. Wow you saw land for 2k so everything must be 2k. There's certed land daily 500g and under, if you can't manage that you will never make it in this game. Stop whining thinking someone's going to hand it to you because that won't ever happen.
There will be no other server, if there was you'd be playing practically by yourself, even a FS server would fail hard in the future. Most ppl are here for this last run and that's it.Just go play retail where land is ez and there's nobody around.


Basic member
who ever wants to play in empty server ? lmao if u want to farm somewhere go play farmville


New member
This thread devolved to a bunch of people who have houses and farms telling someone who started late to fuck off.
Which is ironic because anyone new coming into the game now isn't going to stay being a whole month late to the jump but also having no plots.

"Go play on retail where its dead" Is a hilarious statement because Classic is going that direction soon as well if something isn't changed.


Unique member
Give it time. The population is starting to slowly decline. Some people have quit and quite a few have been banned. But while land is in such high demand, it's going to be very hard to get any. You can still find plenty of 8x8's which will at least get you started and 'hidden' farming is still a thing.


New member
Give it time. The population is starting to slowly decline. Some people have quit and quite a few have been banned. But while land is in such high demand, it's going to be very hard to get any. You can still find plenty of 8x8's which will at least get you started and 'hidden' farming is still a thing.
The problem inherently isn't the amount of players its how they plot and "tax sitting" on plots to fuck others over. So while 9th grader Timmy who has to go back to school because summer ended wont be needing his plot of land anymore there are 20 other No Life Neckbeard Normans who are scouting every hour of every day waiting just to plant a 3rd farm.


Rare member
Plenty of land available if you ride around for reasonable prices.

As Blondie said, the population has been declining and will continue to do so.

New people will be just fine if they really want to play.