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No Discord, so how do I play?


Basic member
I don't use Discord, so how do I play? I signed up and downloaded the game, but when I went to log in for the first time it required me to go to Discord to verify. Sort of heartbreaking really. Would someone in charge please allow me to play without Discord?


Grand member
It is disappointing that the people who run this server made rules for a reason and don't have time to tell you that they aren't going to reprogram their entire account creation system just so one person doesn't have to sign up for a free Discord account? I wonder how many people who signed up for a free Discord account and are now happily playing ArcheAge Classic are disappointed that the people who are running the server are too busy making the game fun for us to pander to people who have no legitimate complaint.


Basic member
It is disappointing that the people who run this server made rules for a reason and don't have time to tell you that they aren't going to reprogram their entire account creation system just so one person doesn't have to sign up for a free Discord account? I wonder how many people who signed up for a free Discord account and are now happily playing ArcheAge Classic are disappointed that the people who are running the server are too busy making the game fun for us to pander to people who have no legitimate complaint.
This reply tells me I'm probably lucky not to be able to play as it sounds like Classic is that same toxic nasty player base as always. And by the way... I wasn't talking to you. That you took it upon yourself to come into it and insult me says all I need to know about you. You're not a nice person. AT.ALL.


Grand member
This reply tells me I'm probably lucky not to be able to play as it sounds like Classic is that same toxic nasty player base as always. And by the way... I wasn't talking to you. That you took it upon yourself to come into it and insult me says all I need to know about you. You're not a nice person. AT.ALL.
Let me get this straight because I'm not sure I understand you. You came on here and posted several times whining about not being able to play because you refuse to give Discord your phone number, expecting people who are happily playing ArcheAge Classic to feel sympathy for you and to rally support for changing rules that were well established before you came along and that we are all fine with in order to suit your ridiculous needs and I'm the toxic one?
It's not hard. Give them your phone number or go somewhere else and give them your credit card number. That's not toxic. That's just how it is.
EDIT: And by the way... I WAS talking to you.
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Grand member
"I see now that Classic is toxic. Sadly, I cannot delete this account. I hate you all."
Can we please have a moment of silence in remembrance of TheOuroborus? We take solace in the fact that this egregious wound to the community will close and given enough time, will begin to heal. You will be sorely missed, TheOuroborus. But with God as my witness, we will find the strength to carry on.
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Grand member
The views expressed in my posts do not reflect the views of the server administrators, their staff, nor their player base. I haven't wanted for anything in game. It truly is a wonderful, helpful community. I am an individual, cynical old man with nothing better to do than harass people on the internet. I don't feel like I was wrong about anything I said, but a less "toxic" person may have handled it differently. Enjoy this server. It truly is as good as it gets and giving them your phone number is a small price to pay. But honestly, if you aren't willing to give up your phone number, there is no way you are going to give up your credit card number. It's nothing personal. The server admin staff have to eat, same as the rest of us. But there are also additional costs associated with running a public server like this. They've given us unlimited access to a game that was traditionally behind a bottomless pay wall. Show them some respect and if you are feeling generous, show them some love.