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Owner's decision making and lack of passion for this game has killed this AA experience for me


Basic member
Recently seething off of a 300g loss from Aguru changing the price of Building permits to 50g from 100g (which is pretty much in the same ball park as the Thunderstruck Tree situation that AA is known for, minus the p2w aspect ofc), I'm left thinking of what "positives" does this server offer me and I weighed it up:

- Everyday I get to enjoy the deilghts of the discord community, which consists of trolls and spammers, that is promoted by Aguru. If he's not talking about how depressed or fed up he is, he'll be taking extremely simple questions to problems and casually enjoying gen z emotes because it's easy + he can look cool (especially when he adds everyday mature words, such as "stfu" or "retard").

- A hypocritical stance by owners on this server being for everyone, when him and his team decided on, with a massive population sized global server effort, to make land not require a subscription at the very least in an attempt to reduce it from mmo lightweights just trying it out (a hardcore mmo). They were very much happy to risk the dedicated efforts of actual mmo players to make this game "free for all", when infact we're just going through a culling procedure that they definetly want, no fucking doubt about it! I mean you can see that from Aguru's stance on people making a massive shit pile from Halycona for the NPC and all he could say was "too many people" as many lost out on Warrior's medals.

- A non existant roadmap and absolutely zero fucks given on the lack of skill/class diversity that standard Archeage 3.0 brings. Shadowplay having Shadowstep is ridiculous (checkmate to assassin melee's), Auramancy Thwart being a slow (checkmate to assassin melee's), Occultism being pretty much unappealing to non magery, Witchcraft being LITERALLY unappealing to non magery and Archery being, pretty much a wet willy in comparison to Magery and BattleRage. I mean there's a lot to talk of in regards to basic fundamental gameplay that can be corrected and was corrected in later versions but seriously, why play a server that is going to turn stagnant and boring in terms of gameplay and diversity over the long run.

- And the owner's latest "this is just like a person complaining about a sale that they missed". Archeage doesn't have ingame gold sale discount events (besides enchanting reduction costs that people would do say for library based gear), they have discounts on boxes and whatever else is in their marketplace. I can appreciate Aguru trying to sort out the land situation by reducing the number of titles needed to sell land to 1 but reducing gold costs is a Will Smith bitch slap to the people who focused on making money, they could of been monging on Hasla token farming or doing greater dungeon runs instead of slaving away instead of having to make 300 more gold. If the owner's are going to be doing completely random ass events, for the "World of Warcraft dungeon spamming normie who doesn't bother playing the economy" lets say, then it is in fact biased towards a style of play and that you should be just farming away at mobs or dungeons and become a purse opener only (as they may decide to randomly bring the server down without notice and disrupt peace zones, nerfing the trade pack player considerably).

I spent an Ayanad Launch pack, I made a mistake clearly and I think this can go in the dog pile along with Diablo 4.
Unless 300g is compensated toward everyone who invested in build permits before the update + an understanding view from Aguru on all the points I mentioned (including the mess that discord is! + your 15 minute post delay timers aren't a fucking correction!) then I do consider this server unnacceptable and simply a troll like attempt of a server that is apparently.....
"for everyone".
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New member
I agree with you about the building management titles; nothing was warned, and I put all my gameplay effort of the whole week into building the gazebo.


Basic member
I agree with you about the building management titles; nothing was warned, and I put all my gameplay effort of the whole week into building the gazebo.

Oh it was "warned", I mean, if you consider the cries of a few of the vocal ones in discord and Aguru giving ONE OF THEM a reply on wednesday, without any proper notification stating specifically that he will be making those land permits 50g.
I'm not going to be reading through the entirety of Aguru's depressing and/or short posts to find some actual helpful/insightful info, that discord is enough of a waste of time as it is.


New member
I only check the newboards and updates channel, if it was in one of those I would have seen it.
Oh it was "warned", I mean, if you consider the cries of a few of the vocal ones in discord and Aguru giving ONE OF THEM a reply on wednesday, without any proper notification stating specifically that he will be making those land permits 50g.
I'm not going to be reading through the entirety of Aguru's depressing and/or short posts to find some actual helpful/insightful info, that discord is enough of a waste of time as it is.


Basic member
I only check the newboards and updates channel, if it was in one of those I would have seen it.

Yep and yet we're meant to accept that the people who are living in discord got insider information on Aguru's plans 2 days prior.

(copied from discord)
When are early building permit buyers getting their VERY early game work compensated?

Just chuck in random gold altering events whenever you feel like the server needs some kind of morale boost? How very professional of you.


New member
Medium effort weak bait. Beacon is a known clown on Discord.
Don't like the way server is going? Leave. We'll be better off without you.
Does Walmart give you back money for the chicken tendies you bought before they went on sale? No. Fuck off.


Basic member
Does Walmart give you back money for the chicken tendies you bought before they went on sale? No. Fuck off.

...Maybe those with a terrible upbringing would understand better if it was amplified like this :

((Server land rush incoming)) >>>>> many guilds fight for gazebo's that cost 600g each + 100g in mats >>>>> (near the land rush date) Aguru: "We've made Building Certs 1g, I hope everyone enjoys making Gazebo's :)".

Now is there any problem to you with what I've just drafted? Or do you have zero mmo lifespan acumen/experience under your belt?
Would you trust an mmo owner that makes the decision making in the example I just provided? I'm waiting.
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Basic member
I understand your standpoint.

However, I am glad he did it AFTER the land rush... Imagine all the people that upgraded from 16x16 to 24x24...
There are already issues with land... (I got a 24x24 farmhouse in my bag since Landrush).

If you were able to upgrade to a 24x24 and got a spot, I would count you lucky.
Yes, it sucks you paid a premium price for it. But hey... If I upgrade my 16x16 to a 24x24 I would struggle to place it anyways...


New member
...Maybe those with a terrible upbringing would understand better if it was amplified like this :

((Server land rush incoming)) >>>>> many guilds fight for gazebo's that cost 600g each + 100g in mats >>>>> (near the land rush date) Aguru: "We've made Building Certs 1g, I hope everyone enjoys making Gazebo's :)".

Now is there any problem to you with what I've just drafted? Or do you have zero mmo lifespan acumen/experience under your belt?
Would you trust an mmo owner that makes the decision making in the example I just provided? I'm waiting.
Sounds like a "you" problem. Take your L and live in peace. Sweatlord lost a small amount of gold - OH NO! mr.admin help!
This isn't an official server where you can sue or "cancel" (cringe btw) company over their decisions.
Don't like the way the private server is ran - leave, please, I beg you.


Basic member
Don't like the way the private server is ran - leave, please, I beg you.

Well It's pretty much true then with what I said in my previous post, my assumptions are usually correct. No point carrying on any convo with someone who's only in it for themselves.

I understand your standpoint.

However, I am glad he did it AFTER the land rush... Imagine all the people that upgraded from 16x16 to 24x24...
There are already issues with land... (I got a 24x24 farmhouse in my bag since Landrush).

If you were able to upgrade to a 24x24 and got a spot, I would count you lucky.
Yes, it sucks you paid a premium price for it. But hey... If I upgrade my 16x16 to a 24x24 I would struggle to place it anyways...

Well the land rush hasn't ended until 2moro and then this significant gold change was made.
Yes things could be a lot worse for certain players but that's the point, a lot of things didn't need to happen in the first place and what Aguru is trying to shove into updates to promote more player creating of Gazebo's is purely just irresponsible. It's not like people without much land options wlil even get good land in Auroria, the people who've already got good land will come to collect 2 or even 3 more big pieces of land themselves also.
Either way, I've made a review of the server owner and deemed this server going forward not worth my time and at this point I'm merely just making my experience and knowledge apparent to others.


New member
This is why open world pvp is dead in the mmo genre nowdays. The majority of players are always toxic children and turn every server of every game into cancer. The days of normal, respectful, and behaved competitive players are past us. This server will either die more quickly than all others before it becuase of how shitty the community is or it will succeed but only filled with a bunch of neckbeards who all get together and stroke each other's e-peens while shouting at everyone who doesn't say something nice about their penis.


New member
Server is already dead on the water lmao just a few shills saying its alive. Kudos to aguru for killing his brainchild, best move of the year.


Grand member
Called this like 3 month ago when i pointed out how land rush would snowball into most the pop quitting. lmao i expected it to at least last 6 months to a year though.