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Rules of AAClassic

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Administrator & Daru enjoyer
Staff member
A. General rules
A.0. Don't try to toy around the following rules thinking you're clever, you know what we mean.
A.1. When playing on AAClassic, using the Forum or Discord server, you must abide by all rules set here.
A.2. The project team reserves the right to change the game in any way that they see fit. The staff however promises to always keep the community involved.
A.3. Any user can be punished by the team if they consider that rules are not being followed.
A.4. Harassment is not allowed under any form. Doxxing is not allowed under any form.
A.5. Criticizing the server or its team is absolutely okay as long as the criticism is constructive. Help us learn from our mistakes.
A.6. Impersonation of a team member will result in permanent account deletion.
A.7. The AAClassic team will NEVER ask for any of your personal information. The only information we may ask of you is: Account name, Discord username, Character name. Anyone asking for your password is trying to scam you.
A.8. Any user content (uploaded pictures, videos, songs or other media formats) must be generally respectful and SFW. No hentai, no porn.
A.9. This rule list can be edited at any time by the team. Any changes will be notified by adding a reply to this thread specifying the changes made.
A.10. Do not advertise other servers/games on AAClassic communication channels

B. Ingame rules
B.1. Users must only use their one and only account. Alt accounts are not allowed.
B.2. Sharing accounts is heavily discouraged and only allowed for temporary situations (ex: setting up a siege if the Guild Leader is away). Any actions taken on an account will be the responsibility of the owner. While sharing accounts, it is expressly forbidden to log into multiple accounts at once. Your friend probably wouldn't appreciate their account getting banned for being used as an alt :)
B.3. As per rule A.4. using ingame means (renaming a pet, planting seeds..) to harass someone is not allowed
B.4. "Shittalk" is allowed within reason. For example, during a fight over a world boss in /shout chat
B.5. Use of any exploits, bugs or external tools to gain an unfair advantage ingame will result in permanent account deletion.
B.6. "Tractor blocking" is not allowed in peace zones as other users cannot remove you in any way.
B.7. Scamming players ingame is allowed as long as it is not done via illegitimate means.
B.8. Naming policy: Character, House, Ship, Pet and Guild names should not be overtly rude and/or break other policies. Being edgy can be tolerated on a case by case basis. If your name gets reported and we consider it to not be appropriate, a force-rename will be issued.
B.9. UCC (custom images on sails for example) must abide by rule A.8.
B.10. Spamming chat (especially faction) will be grounds for chat mutes of increasing length, up to permanent. Some events may cause spam to occur, we will of course look into every case and not issue mutes by default.
B.11. Certain channels will not be moderated regarding spam, slurs and others: Family and Guild chat. These chats are the responsibility of the Family head/Guild leadership. We also heavily encourage the use of the Block function if another user is bothering you in chat, rather than resort to reporting directly. If the user goes out of their way to keep the harassment up, then further action will be taken.
B.12. Be kind to Darus
B.13. RMT (Real Money Trade) is absolutely not allowed. People found selling gold/items/accounts will see their account permanently deleted. People found buying gold will face permanent account ban.
B.14. Only English is allowed in server-wide chats (Nation, Faction, Trial). We believe in having a single common language for all. Of course, private and local chats face no such restrictions. Accounts found violating this rule will get chat mutes of increasing durations.

C. Forum rules
C.1. Spamming, posting for the sole purpose of getting the highest number of posts, will not be tolerated on the forums.
C.2. Avoid bumping threads. If you want to get replies and feel your thread is unfairly being ignored, try to talk to other players about it and involved them in the issue.
C.3. No politics or bringing real life issues into the forums. This is a forum for AAClassic, please try to keep things discussed here centered around AAClassic.

D. Discord rules
D.1. Discord's Terms of Service apply onto our server. Breaking Discord's ToS will result in a ban.
D.2. No politics or bringing real life issues into the Discord server. This is a server for AAClassic, please try to keep things discussed there centered around AAClassic.
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Administrator & Daru enjoyer
Staff member
Rule change regarding B.13 and B.14:

B.13. RMT (Real Money Trade) is absolutely not allowed. People found selling gold/items/accounts will see their account permanently deleted. People found buying gold will face permanent account ban.
B.14. Only English is allowed in server-wide chats (Nation, Faction, Trial). We believe in having a single common language for all. Of course, private and local chats face no such restrictions. Accounts found violating this rule will get chat mutes of increasing durations.
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